Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Promote Positive Body Image.

An incredible story about a woman who has over come her eating disorder is now finding new ways to love her body and promote a more positive body image for kids.

To read the story click here.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Stop Hating your Body.

For those of us who have dreaded buying new clothes, to have to try them on in a fitting room standing alone with a reflection we've been taught to shame. This article by The Lingerie Addict addresses what we go through and how we can overcome it.

"What saddens me most is how many clients become apologetic for the state of their bodies when confronted with the mirror:  I didn’t do my hair today.  I need to lose weight.  I have a sun burn.  I have stretch marks.  My bra is horrible.  I’m disgusting.  A physical object should not have so much control over a person’s self-esteem and emotional state."

- Erica Windle of A Sophisticated Pair

To read the article click here.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mad Men for the Holidays.

We're getting really close to the holidays(next week). So I thought I'd share this great little style DIY I found that gives you a bit of that gorgeous Mad Men look with a bit of a modern twist.

To learn how to do this style on your own, click here.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Does it Mean to be A Woman.

Kovie Biakolo asked herself what does it mean to be a woman. She goes on to reflect the women she's met in her early life including her mother. As well as herself and what society has generally thought of women.

The conclusion she comes to is rather interesting, and you can read it by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Life as a Model.

This model Velvet D'Amour who transformed from starved and unhappy to curvy, confident, and empowered.

You can read her story by clicking here.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Promoting a Healthy Body Image for Teens.

This is an interesting article about a mother who overhears her daughter and friend talking about their bodies and how she addressed some unrealistic expectations they thought they needed to be.

To read the article, click here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Robyn Lawley on Changing Fashion

The beautiful plus size model Robyn Lawley speaks about the changing shape of fashion with Ellen DeGeneres.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Giving Barbie a Human Appearance

It's been a long gripe about the insanely popular Barbie Doll. That gripe being she doesn't have a realistic female body. That her proportions are almost inhuman. This is something that should be given attention to as it can lead to young girls thinking that this is the way they should look.

A researcher by the name of Nickolay Lamm has gone and made the icon more realistic. You can read more by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Bra!

The bra turned 100 years old yesterday, and while I'm a little late to celebration of the iconic and influential foundation garment. I thought I'd still let you know just incase.

You can read up on the history of the bra, by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Woman Finds Strength in Her Body After Beating Anorexia

This beautiful women turned model is Alice Jackson who beat anorexia. What's incredible is that she's so comfortable in her body now that she's turned to modeling preferring to embrace her natural curves.

You can read this incredible story, by clicking here

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Scale.

"The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That's it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love."