Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts recently but I've been busy working on a new website and blog! If you like my posts please continue to follow me on my new blog!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Changing Things Up.

Winter can be dull and boring, but you can spice things up by giving yourself a slight change in look. Just by changing up your eye-lashes will add a hole new effect to your appearance.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

10 Years And Still Looking Good.

It's been 10 years since Dove launched their Real Beauty ad campaign and it's looking rather good. We've seen over the course of a few years more and more companies are following what Dove has paved the way for. But few can match what Dove continues to do.

You can read more by clicking here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mindy Kaling on Body Image.

photo via
If you're unfamiliar with Mindy Kaling, she's an actress and writer. Best known for her work on The Office, and The Mindy Project.

She also was able to make an important statement on body image over this magazine cover in just one twitter statement. You can read more about it by visiting Levo.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's A Changing World.

photo via cosmo
It's becoming more and more of a practice to have woman of all shapes and sizes in fashion ads. It's a new world as they say, though I will admit we are only in the early stages.

However Aerie has launched a new slew of ads that reward's itself on not being photoshopped. You can read more about it by clicking here.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

All Shapes and Sizes, Tips on What to Wear.

I would normally attach a photo to this post, but the photo I have in mind isn't quite right and won't do justice. However if you click here you'll see what I'm talking about. Now before you go any further you're going to want to check out this great article by Hems for Her. It's a quick read and it will help you with finding the right style, and fit you need.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Achieving Body Confidence.

"Body confidence does not come from trying to achieve the 'perfect body' it coms from embracing the one you've already got.."

This is a photo from with a quote that speaks volumes.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Reminder,That All Bodies Are Different And Beautiful.

via Huffington Post.
This photo was taken by Howard Schatz back in 2002 for his book Athlete.
It's a great reminder of the diversity of women's bodies.

You can read the full story, by clicking here.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Body Art of Plus Size.

Image via
With a quick search you'll be able to see a lot of body art, beautiful body art in fact. But what normally doesn't come up is the beautiful body art found on beautiful plus-size women.

Thankfully The Curvy Fashionista has gone out of her way to pull together a list of some incredible women who have incredible pieces of art on their body.

You can see the list, by clicking here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Should Be Looked For In A Larger Bra

image via The Lingerie Addict
What should a lady with a larger bust look for in a cup bras? The Lingerie Addict shares a bit of advice.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's All in Your Mind.

Image from Shutterstock via
One of the first and most important steps in altering your body is getting your mind to stop being negative.

An article from outlines a few simple steps in order to help promote a positive body image starting with how you view yourself.

You can read the article by clicking here.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Beauty Image Set by Plastic.

Image from Huffington Post. 
It's interesting to see how much sway one toy has over us. A toy that is from our childhood meant to be played with, yet it has some unrealistic hold over us. What I'm referring to is the iconic Barbie. It has set a standard of physical appearance that is inhuman to achieve.

Which is what got photographer Sheila Pree Bright interested in doing a series of photos entitled 'Plastic Bodies'. These photos show real woman juxtaposed with the doll, and the results are startling.

To see her work and an article written up by the Huffington Post, click here.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Simple New Years Resolution.

Image from
Another year has come and gone and with it old resolutions and promises. If you're looking to start anew than perhaps going for something small that can add a huge effect? Try ditching these bad beauty habits outlined by